
Vinkkejä vieraskirjan täyttämiseen
Vieraskirjasta saat ihanat muistot häistä, rippijuhlista, valmistujaisista tai syntymäpäivistä. Pyydä vieraita jättämään terveisensä kauniiden kansien väliin ja saat kirjan, johon palata vuosia juhlien jälkeen. Kokosimme parhaat vinkit vieraskirjan täyttämiseen. ...

What to write on a greeting card?
A birthday card is one of the best ways to express your care. But what to write in a birthday card? The following paragraphs present verses and ideas that you...

How to remember a friend on Valentine's day?
Valentine's Day is celebrated annually on February 14. Originating from the United States, Valentine's day is a day of love that is more commonly known as Valentine's Day in Finland,...

Gift ideas for teachers
Soon it will be time to celebrate spring again when schoolchildren end their school year. As schools and daycare centers close for the summer holidays, the question comes to mind:...

Easter decorations from paper
In the heat of spring, the mind needs cheering up and color in the interior. Easter eggs made of paper are a fun thing to do for the Easter holidays...

How to start a bullet journal?
Bullet Journal, or bujo for short, is a method originally developed by designer Ryder Carrol, which is used to put personal goals, plans and schedules in order between one cover....